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A vot eto uzhe prikoool!!!!!!!!
Segodnia nachalsia Panamerikanskij chempionat. Na nem FILA v pervyi raz vvela novo-vydumannoe pravilo kak opredeliat kto pervym budet brat obratnyi v greko i nogu v volnoi borbe. Teper eto opredeliatsia ne priamo zhrebiem, a zherbij opredeliaet tolko kto pervym budet brat sharik (s opredelennym cvetom) iz chernogo meshka. Ukazanno, chto borec nelzia smotret v meshok :shock: :roll:
New procedure for coin toss initiated
FILA, the international wrestling federation, unveiled a new system for the coin toss procedure in wrestling at the Pan American Championships this weekend.
In the past, the mat referee would toss a coin, with one side red and the other side blue, at the end of periods to determine which athlete takes the top position in the Greco-Roman reverse lift position, or which wrestler secures the leg during the freestyle leg clinch.
Due to concerns that some of the coin tosses may not have been fair at some events, FILA has added a step to the process.
Now, when the coin is tossed, the color determines which wrestler pulls a colored ball out of a black bag. The wrestler must look away from the bag when picking a ball. In Greco-Roman, the color of the ball determines which wrestler takes the top position in the first 30-second period from the reverse lift.
In some of the early matches at the Pan Am Championships, not only were some wrestlers but also a few officials a bit confused with the process, but everybody quickly figured it out.
FILA Vice-President Mario Saletnig, who is the refereeing delegate for the tournament, feels that the new procedure has worked “very well.”
“Some European countries brought to the attention of the FILA President that some people might have put weight in the coin, and were working with two coins in the pocket. One was red-loaded and the other blue-loaded. FILA does not want any interference from referees. Even now, if the coin is loaded, it doesn’t matter. The ball is in the black bag. An opportunity to cheat has been eliminated,” said Saletnig.
Saletnig noted that FILA will provide the bags and the balls for competition to insure its integrity. One result of the new procedure is that each match will be a little bit longer, adding to the length of the wrestling sessions. However, he believes the change is positive and is working.
“At least we know it is honest,” said Saletnig. “It is good for the athlete. They don’t have to worry about cheating. We are also very interested in preserving the integrity of the referees.”